Create a base class called shape .Use this class to store two double type values that could be used to compute the area of figures, Derive two specific classes called triangle and rectangle from the base shape .Add to the base class, a member function get_data() to initialise base class data members and another member function display_area() to compute and display the area of figures. Make display_area () as a virtual function and redefine this function in the derived class to suit their requirements. Using these three classes, design a program that will accept dimensions of a triangle or a rectangle interactively and display the area. Area of rectangle = x*y Area of triangle = ½*x*y


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
class shape
    double xy;

    void get_data()
        cin >> x >> y;
    double get_x() { return x; }
    double get_y() { return y; }
    virtual void display_area() {}
class triangle : public shape
    void display_area()
        double a;
        a = (x * y) / 2;
        cout << " Area of triangle = " << a << endl;
class rectangle : public shape
    void display_area()
        double a;
        a = x * y;
        cout << " Area of rectangle = " << a << endl;
int main()
    shape *s[2];
    triangle t;
    s[0] = &t;
    rectangle r;
    s[1] = &r;
    cout << " Enter the value of x & y for triangle: ";
    cout << " Enter the value of x & y for rectangle: ";
    return 0;

output :

Enter the value of x & y for triangle: 32 43 Enter the value of x & y for rectangle: 23 54 Area of triangle = 688 Area of rectangle = 1242
